Do you want to QUICKLY get logged in to Blackboard?  
Before submitting a helpdesk ticket, try this:

  1. Go into your student email and change your password.
  2. Clear your browser’s history.
  3. Close all browser windows.
  4. Re-open your internet browser.
  5. Log into Blackboard using the new email password.
  6. Ninety percent (90%) of the time, login problems are corrected when these directions are followed.
  7. If this does not correct your login problem, please complete the information below and submit the request.

You will also want to run the Blackboard Browser Checker to make sure your Internet browser settings will work with all course functions within Blackboard.

NGTC wants you to be successful!

Choose One
Enter your first name
Enter Your Last Name
Enter your Bb Login
Enter your College Email
Enter an alternate email for contact purposes only
Enter your computer/device information
Run the Blackboard Browser Checker above (link will open in another window) to find your browser information needed)
Enter the course name(s) where you are having issues
Enter the CRN(s) where you are having problems
Please be as detailed as possible with the issue you are experiencing
Enter the code shown above in the box below.