Course Menu

The Course Menu appears on the left side of the course. The Course Menu is accessible from anywhere in the course. By default the Course Menu is visible. You can hide/show the course menu by clicking the arrow icon on the right side of the menu; therefore, if you can't see the course menu, it could be hidden from display. To show the course menu, click the "Show Course Menu" arrow button. If you cannot find the "Show Course Menu" arrow, reset your screen zoom to 100%. You can do this several ways, but one of the easiest is to use your keyboard - hold down the Ctrl key and press minus sign (-) to zoom out so you can view the entire screen. Note: Ctrl and plus sign (+) will zoom in to make larger.

Show Course Menu








Course menu layout











Course Menu Item


Start Here

You should see a Start Here folder in each class. This folder contains information and documents to help you get started and be successful in your course. Some of the content may vary for each course and instructor. However, you should look for the following:

  • Confirm Attendance Quiz - All online students must confirm course attendance within the first three days of the term OR within one day of enrollment for B Term if you wish to continue in the course. Students are encouraged to review the syllabus and documents in the Start Here folder before confirming course enrollment. You need to confirm attendance only one time per course. After you have confirmed attendance, go to the Course Content link in the course menu and begin working. If you do not complete the Confirm Attendance Quiz, you will be dropped from the course.
  • Syllabus - Your course syllabus outlines policies and procedures for your course. This document is very important, and it's recommended that you print it out for easy reference. It is your responsibility to locate the syllabus in each course and be sure you understand and adhere to all policies and procedures. If you have questions, ask your instructor immediately.
  • Course Projected Learning Schedule - Completing assignments and assessments in a timely manner is important in the online environment. Online courses are not self-paced and require students to meet deadlines. Do not wait until an assignment is due to complete it. Having last minute difficulties will not excuse missing due dates. Refer to your syllabus for guidelines on late work. Also, use your Blackboard calendar; it is a great resource!



Check course announcements from your instructor.


The calendar shows due dates for assignments and assessments. Go to the Blackboard Calendar section of this orientation for more details.

Course Conent


The Course Content link contains the bulk of your course learning, assignments, and assessments. The class material may be broken down into weekly modules. Each module will include goals, objectives, and assignments to complete for the module. The number of modules will vary per course. Your assignments will be found and submitted in Course Content. Go to the Assignments and Assessments sections of this orientation for more details. 

Discussion Board


The Discussion Board allows class members to leave messages (and responses to messages) for others to read. Discussions are organized into different forums (topics). Inside each forum, messages are organized into threads (a thread is an original message and all the replies to that message). Go to the Blackboard Discussion Board section of this orientation for more details.



Albany Tech uses the Course Email for communication inside Blackboard. Course Emails are private and secure text-based communication that occurs within a course and among course members.

My Grades


You can see your grades at any time using "My Grades". My Grades page shows the status of gradable items and allows you to view from four categories: All, Graded, Upcoming, and Submitted items. You are responsible for regularly checking your grades and current standing in your online course. Go to the My Grades section of this orientation for more details.

Virtual Office

Blackboard Collaborate is a web conferencing product that will allow online teachers and students an opportunity for real-time eLearning through virtual rooms. The Virtual Office link will show Scheduled Sessions (in which you can participate "live" at the same time as your instructor and course members) and Recordings (in case you missed the scheduled "live" session). Go to the Virtual Room section of this orientation for more details.

Ask The Instructor


Any student experiencing academic difficulties in learning support, core, or certain entry level occupational courses may send a private message to their instructor. 24/7 Tutoring

The 24/7 Tutoring link (or it may be named in your course) gives you access to online tutors at any time. Take advantage of this opportunity! Just click the link in your course to get immediate tutoring.

Course Home Page

Like the house icon, this link will take you to the Course Home Page.


Knowledge Check

 Selection Activity      

 Test your knowledge!