Congratulations - Almost Finished!

You have reached the end of the Distance Education/Online Learning Blackboard Orientation. Now you need to complete the Distance Education/Online Learning Blackboard Orientation Assessment.

Upon successful completion of the assessment (85% or above), your score will be submitted. Online students are required to complete the Distance Education/Online Learning Blackboard Orientation Assessment only ONCE; therefore, students do not have to complete each semester. However, the orientation is always available if you wish to review any of the topics. Any student may complete the orientation. Mandatory completion for students not enrolled in online courses is based on instructor discretion.

You need to know your nine-digit student ID number. This number begins with 900 and can be found on your schedules.  

Are you ready? Click Next to begin the assessment and follow the directions on the top of each page. 

If you have any questions about your results, please contact Troycia Webb by emailing or calling 229-430-3693.