Blackboard Course Availability

Students may access Blackboard before the term begins; however, students will not have access to their courses through Blackboard until the first day of scheduled classes in the term. Students will not see courses listed in the Course List until the first day of the term in which that class begins. On the first day of the term, confirm all online courses are listed. You may also see your on-campus classes listed if the instructor uses Blackboard. If the first day has passed and you still can't see a course on Blackboard, please check your Banner Web account and ensure your registration has not been dropped. If you are registered for the course and it's not listed in your Course List, contact your instructor or send an e-mail to To access a specific course, click on the course title link located in the Course List. You may also use the Global Navigation menu to access courses. The Global Navigation and My Blackboard are discussed in the next section.

Course List Image