
An assessment might also be called a quiz, test, or exam. For this orientation, the term "test" will be used.

Beginning a Test

  • If you need special accommodations for a test, contact the Special Needs Coordinator at the beginning of the term. Let your instructor know so he/she can follow-up and provide any documented accommodations.
  • Locate the test in your course and know when the test will be available. Know what material is covered on the test. Study that material and be prepared.
  • Start your test as soon as you can. If your instructor schedules three days for your test, plan to take the exam early on the first day. That way, if you have an issue, you will have time to contact technical support and your instructor. Last-minute issues, technical or non technical, will not be accepted as excuses for missing a test.
  • Schedule time to take online tests on a computer with a secure and reliable connection that is located in a quiet environment. Ensure you have a strong Internet connection; cabled connections are generally more stable than wireless ones.
  • You are strongly discouraged from trying to take tests on mobile devices such as cell phones or tablets. There are known issues with some test settings and question types not functioning normally on mobile devices, regardless of which mobile browser you are using.

When you are ready to take your test, locate it and click the test title for testing instructions. Below is an example of a test.

Test Image

After you click the test title, testing instructions are given and you have the choice to Begin or Cancel.

  • Read all of the instructions and be sure you understand all the settings.
  • If the test is timed, the timer starts when you begin and the time continues to run (even if you are not active in the test or navigate away from the test). Some tests are set to automatically submit at the end of the time - even if you have not finished. Again, be sure you have the allotted amount of time with no interruptions.
  • Once you begin, most tests must be completed in one sitting. Most tests have only one attempt. Do not leave the test before clicking Save and Submit. If you do, you will receive a message stating, "You recently left the test "Test Module 1" without submitting it. It was automatically submitted for you." You will not be allowed back in the test; it doesn't matter if no questions were answered.

Click Begin to start the test. Below is an example of test instructions.

Test Instruction Image


Taking a Test

Once you begin a test:

  • Review the test information again with timing information and other settings.
  • Read each question carefully and double-check answers, especially if the test settings will prevent you from going back to previous questions. Some tests may show all the questions at once or show only one question at a time.
  • Do not refresh the page, close the page, or use the browser's back button while taking a test.
  • Do not open other windows; this includes e-mail, Word documents,additional browser window(s), other screens in the course, etc.
  • Blackboard has an auto-save feature or you can also manually click save answer.
  • Avoid using the scrolling wheel on your mouse to move from one question to the next, because it may inadvertently change your answer selection in those questions that have multiple answer choices.
  • Keep an eye on your time and progress. Any unanswered question will be marked incorrect and no points will be awarded. The time limits prevent you from "looking up" answers. Know the material!
  • What happens if something goes wrong? Internet goes down...power goes out… DON'T PANIC! It's likely that you are not the first student to have this problem. Immediately inform your instructor of your situation. If necessary use a communication method outside of the course (telephone, text message, external email). Be as detailed as possible. Check the syllabus for your instructor's policy on technical difficulties during a test or assignment. If it is a technical issue that is not specific to your PC or laptop, email or complete a helpdesk ticket; always include your instructor in this communication.


Below is an example of a test. When you are ready to submit, click the Save and Submit button.

Sample Test Image

When you click the Save and Submit button, you will receive a Test submission confirmation notice.

Click OK to submit the test or click Cancel if you want to go back and continue the test.

After test submission, you will receive a detailed log of your submission.


The assessment may contain questions that can be graded automatically by Blackboard (multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, ordering) and/or questions that will need to be graded by the instructor (essay, short answer). Your instructor may set up the assessment so that you see your grade as soon as you complete the assessment, when all questions have been graded, or so you do not see it until a later time. When graded, the grade will be immediately available in the My Grades. Your instructor also controls the type of review.  

Watch video image

Video Tutorial

View the Taking a Test Online Video for a step-by-step demonstration on how to access a test online, submit your answers and view feedback.


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