Smarter Measure

In addition to technology skills, students need to make sure that online course delivery is a good method for them. Some people learn best by interacting face-to-face with the instructor and other students. SmarterMeasure is a self assessment tool that will help you assess your skills and readiness for online learning. It will help you prepare to be successful as a student. SmarterMeasure is not required, but it is recommended for all online students. The SmarterMeasure Assessment takes about 45 minutes to complete and includes seven major assessment components that measure the following skills:

  • Individual Attributes - motivation, procrastination, willingness to ask for help, etc.
  • Life Factors - Availability of time, support from family and employers, finances, etc.
  • Learning styles - Based on the multiple intelligences model
  • Technical Competency - Skills using technology
  • Technical Knowledge - Knowledge of technology terms
  • On-screen Reading Rate and Recall
  • Typing Speed and Accuracy

SmarterMeasure is available from the Albany Technical College's online website or you may go to:


Username: albanytech

Password: albanytech


Remember, this assessment is strictly for your benefit. Take the time to rate yourself honestly.